Case Studies

Lease Data Clean Up

A large multi-national food processor, distributor, and marketer’s Real Estate department had suspicions that they might have bad data in their lease management system.

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A large multi-national food processor, distributor, and marketer’s Real Estate department had suspicions that they might have bad data in their lease management system. They suspected this based on some quick audits done on different portfolios and found discrepancies in option dates, missing terms, and problems with base-year calculations.


1. Client suspected bad data

2. Quick audit exposed major discrepancies

3. Problems with base-year calculations


Client partnered with NTrust to perform an audit, followed by lease data clean-up project.

NTrust assigned a team to perform a statistical audit of each portfolio to identify problems AND determine the best approach.

Based on the audit and an extremely high overall error rate (46%) in critical areas (Expenses, Key dates, Options, and Security Deposits), the client decided a full Lease Data Clean-up project was warranted.


Use of a proprietary, multi-lingual lease term data dictionary

Latest technologies ensured accuracy, consistency, and quality

40% cost savings compared to other consultants


Lease Validation


Achieved a 20% reduction in the overall project timeline: Integrated Client & NTrust project teams and reduced project timeline by five weeks

NTrust delivered 100% clean lease data across a large enterprise: Leveraged proprietary tools and datasets that allowed for rapid delivery of accurate lease data

Client estimated that moving forward with the clean lease data, they saved at least $10 million over the upcoming 5-year period.